Community Development

K-State Research and Extension is committed to providing educational opportunities to Kansas citizens to ensure strong, healthy communities.

A community's sustainability depends on its long-term ability to meet residents' needs. One goal of K-State Research and Extension is to provide technical assistance and evidence-based programs to citizens who want to make sure their communities survive and prosper. K-State Research and Extension can play a key role in helping people create a vision across traditional geographical, sociological, and political boundaries. We can help your community become a better place to live and work.

Summer Food Buddies

sfbThe Summer Food Buddies program was organized in 2013 to provide food throughout the summer to youth in our community that are food insecure. We have partnered with the Kansas Food Bank. Each week, every child receives one meal & milk per day and a pack of food for the weekend. This adds up to 57 meals plus 11 weekend packs per youth. If you would like to learn more about this program or schedule a presentation at your organization, please contact the Extension Office. Monetary or food donations can also be sent to the Extension Office.


PRIDE comes to Pawnee County! Kansas PRIDE is a partnership of K-State Research and Extension, Kansas Department of Commerce and Kansas PRIDE, Inc. PRIDE is dedicated to serving communities across the state to encourage and assist local government and volunteers in making their community a better place to live and work.

Pawnee County PRIDE communities which are Larned, Burdett, and Rozel have all submitted their quarterly reports for PRIDE. Each community has completed a community assessment by which community members identified projects the communities would like to see accomplished. Many community members not involved in Extension have come together to work on the identified projects to make their communities a better place to live, work, and raise their families.

Larned Civic PRIDE

Larned Civic PRIDE is a community organization that seeks to enhance and build upon Larned's resources. A collaboration of K-State Research and Extension, Kansas Department of Commerce, and Larned Residents.

Visit the Larned Civic PRIDE Facebook page. Larned comm garden PRIDE

Burdett PRIDE

The purpose of the Burdett PRIDE is to help promote community involvement, community cooperation, and community development by participating to improve the quality of our community for everyone here and the surrounding Burdett area.

Visit the Burdett PRIDE Facebook page.


Rozel PRIDE is working hard for the survival of this little town. We would like to see it become a town people would like to move to.

Visit the Rozel PRIDE Facebook page. rozel